I grew up here in Cleburne and have been a member of NRRBC since 2013. My husband,
Spencer and I met here by attending youth camp together, and have been married for over 2 1/2
years. We have two children: Shiloh and Daxton. Through God’s calling I decided to stay at
home with our children and it has provided me the opportunity and shown me how important it is
to begin teaching children as young as infants of God’s love.
I am beyond grateful to have the opportunity to serve as the Director of Children’s Ministry at
NRRBC. My prayer is that each child who enters the doors of our Church would know that God
created them for a purpose, that they are loved and valued and that they were created for a
purpose. Through our children’s ministry we aim to equip each child to memorize scripture,
study God’s word, and to go and be disciples in their everyday lives.
If you are new or interested in finding out more about our Children’s Ministry, please don’t
hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to meeting you!